Hi to Ian and Janet!
I've been negligent in writing this blog recently. This is exactly what happens when you don't write down goals for the week and for each day. I could use summer as an excuse, being human another and finally, probably the truth, I lost focus. But thanks to Ian for prodding and reminding me and to Janet for saying she's been inspired by the blog and SHE has lost a noticeable amount of weight so far!
Before I tell you about my progress since my last post I'd like to share with you the new addition to my regime - the HULA HOOP!!! Is this ever fun! I got the idea from the Zumba buddies who shared that zumba and belly dancing was awesome to target the core (read stronger abs and a SMALLER waistline). Zumba finished for the summer at the Y so I had to find something to rage battle against this abdominal fat. I got this 1.5 kg hula hoop at the local SportCheck store. Instructions say do no more than 2 minutes at a time, I guess it must be like interval training. Yeah, right, try and keep the thing from sliding down below your knees for 2 minutes!! And, honestly, I bet the 2 minutes max is to avoid bruising around the middle. Anyway, in a week or so the skill I had as a little girl came back and I use the hoop every day, probably about 3 sets. I vary the way I move my hips, forward back, side to side, and round and round. I also try to vary the speed - they say that the more you can change up any repetitive exercise the better. Makes sense when hoping to strengthen the core. Also, another consideration is back pain. One of the best things you can do to avoid back pain is to strengthen your abs, or your core. You will also, in this process become more agile, less likely to fall, less likely to injure yourself.
So... I've dropped another percentage point on the body fat. But now I can report that I have actually lost 4 pounds. This is pretty interesting. First, you increase muscle mass and that weighs more and your weight, or mass could very well increase. Then body fat reduces and your weight probably stays the same for a while. More muscle means more fat is burned and eventually the scales are tipped and you start to weigh less. The best news is that I have lost another inch from the abdominal measurement. This is all very slow.
I think the only way to achieve faster results is to reduce caloric intake (or to be a man, or a YOUNG woman). I've really been avoiding that, I don't want to starve myself. But, I guess, that is the next thing to work on - not starving, but reducing caloric intake.
Another thing I changed since I wrote last is that I added USANA's Proflavanol to my supplement regime, which is grape seed extract combined with vitamin C . I read that this combination helps in the weight loss process. It also helps to make blood vessel walls more pliable, having a positive influence on healthy blood flow to support optimal cardiovascular health. It would make sense that this should help me further reduce that blood pressure too...
Oh, since I last wrote I've had not one, but two quite spectacular falls off my bike, flying over the front end each time. I'm surprised I didn't break anything. My daughter outfitted my bike with a new bell (she said I really needed something like a foghorn) and a rear view mirror. Then she said there is a bubble suit in the works! So, you know what I said about a strengthened core making you less likely to fall - seems I shot that theory all to heck!! ha ha!
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Weight, Shmeight!
I am getting even more serious about this project.
Why? Because I am getting positive feedback.
I attended a pilot lunch last week and a few of the pilots who hadn't seen me in two months commented that I looked great and that I had lost weight. Little did they know I hadn't lost any weight. I did some measuring and some math - I have lost 3% body fat and I have gained 4 pounds of lean body mass. This explains the disappointing visits to the weigh scale and why many encourage you to not become a slave to the scale. I think that if I don't change my diet at all, with all this exercise, the increased muscle mass will burn more fat and the weight will slowly decrease over time. My next move is to modify my diet. But, this post I'd like to explain the math and some science regarding a goal of living in a smaller, healthier body.
First off, let it be said that one of the biggest indicators of health risk is waist measurement. Type 11 Diabetes is increasing to epidemic proportions. This is clearly a disease created by lifestyle and diet... ie. - lack of exercise, lack of muscle mass, ingestion of foods with a high glycemic index, complicated by high stress levels. With this disease process fat begins to settle in the mid section. Visceral fat, fat that is collecting around your internal organs is bad fat. When the body burns this bad fat it leaves behind bad cholesterol that in turn leaves sludge in your blood vessels and arteries that can lead to heart attack and stroke. Visual sign of this is weight collecting around the midsection. Elevated sugar levels in the blood will also confirm this process is occuring, along with blood pressure that creeps up, up, up. I have read that a more accurate indication of this process, an early warning system, if you will, is elevated homocysteine levels. This is a test your doctor can order and supposedly gives a better indication of the beginnings of Type 11 Diabetes than cholesterol readings do.
Oh, because we are talking about fat, and before we go much further I'd like to say that cutting fat from your diet is not the solution! That has been a myth we've been sold for decades... fat free this and fat free that! There are good fats that should be included in your diet and will help you to live in a smaller, healthier body.
I was talking earlier about total percent body fat. Your most appropriate percent body fat is based on your age, health status, fitness level, body build, and other individual factors. BUT a general guideline to work with (for those like me who don't want this process to get too complex) is:
10-20% body fat for men 18-27% body fat for women (oh, and I'm not there yet by the way)
Here's the math..... ready??
To determine (without the benefit of a chart) your percentage of body fat and your lean body mass (what you weigh without the fat) you will need two measurements - your physical weight and your abdominal measurement. The abdominal measurement is determined by taking the girth measurement around your NAVEL, not your natural waistline where your pants would sit (wow, I guess you can't say that anymore! I've seen pants sit well below the navel, even below the bottom!)
For Men's Percent Body Fat, or PBF PBF= ((abdominal x 4.15) - 98.45)) - (current weight x .082)
For Men's Lean Body Mass, or LBM LBM= (1 - PBF) x current weight
For Women's Percent Body Fat, or PBF PBF= ((abdominal x 4.15) - 76.75)) - (current weight x .082)
For Women's Lean Body Mass or LBM LBM= (1 - PBF) x current weight
Oh, and if you insist on using a target weight, remember that healthy target weights vary according to your age, height and size of frame. For instance I have a very large frame, even though I am a rather short 5 foot 2 inches. I know this from actual caliper measurements taken from my elbow by professionals with charts. A target weight for me, not taking account for my age, is 121 pounds, BUT if I had a small frame that would be reduced to 99 pounds. That is a big difference. I prefer to gauge my health status by lowering my percentage body fat, my waist measurement and blood pressure.
Phew, writing this was hard.... goin' out for a bike ride and then havin' a fruit smoothie!
Why? Because I am getting positive feedback.
I attended a pilot lunch last week and a few of the pilots who hadn't seen me in two months commented that I looked great and that I had lost weight. Little did they know I hadn't lost any weight. I did some measuring and some math - I have lost 3% body fat and I have gained 4 pounds of lean body mass. This explains the disappointing visits to the weigh scale and why many encourage you to not become a slave to the scale. I think that if I don't change my diet at all, with all this exercise, the increased muscle mass will burn more fat and the weight will slowly decrease over time. My next move is to modify my diet. But, this post I'd like to explain the math and some science regarding a goal of living in a smaller, healthier body.
First off, let it be said that one of the biggest indicators of health risk is waist measurement. Type 11 Diabetes is increasing to epidemic proportions. This is clearly a disease created by lifestyle and diet... ie. - lack of exercise, lack of muscle mass, ingestion of foods with a high glycemic index, complicated by high stress levels. With this disease process fat begins to settle in the mid section. Visceral fat, fat that is collecting around your internal organs is bad fat. When the body burns this bad fat it leaves behind bad cholesterol that in turn leaves sludge in your blood vessels and arteries that can lead to heart attack and stroke. Visual sign of this is weight collecting around the midsection. Elevated sugar levels in the blood will also confirm this process is occuring, along with blood pressure that creeps up, up, up. I have read that a more accurate indication of this process, an early warning system, if you will, is elevated homocysteine levels. This is a test your doctor can order and supposedly gives a better indication of the beginnings of Type 11 Diabetes than cholesterol readings do.
Oh, because we are talking about fat, and before we go much further I'd like to say that cutting fat from your diet is not the solution! That has been a myth we've been sold for decades... fat free this and fat free that! There are good fats that should be included in your diet and will help you to live in a smaller, healthier body.
I was talking earlier about total percent body fat. Your most appropriate percent body fat is based on your age, health status, fitness level, body build, and other individual factors. BUT a general guideline to work with (for those like me who don't want this process to get too complex) is:
10-20% body fat for men 18-27% body fat for women (oh, and I'm not there yet by the way)
Here's the math..... ready??
To determine (without the benefit of a chart) your percentage of body fat and your lean body mass (what you weigh without the fat) you will need two measurements - your physical weight and your abdominal measurement. The abdominal measurement is determined by taking the girth measurement around your NAVEL, not your natural waistline where your pants would sit (wow, I guess you can't say that anymore! I've seen pants sit well below the navel, even below the bottom!)
For Men's Percent Body Fat, or PBF PBF= ((abdominal x 4.15) - 98.45)) - (current weight x .082)
For Men's Lean Body Mass, or LBM LBM= (1 - PBF) x current weight
For Women's Percent Body Fat, or PBF PBF= ((abdominal x 4.15) - 76.75)) - (current weight x .082)
For Women's Lean Body Mass or LBM LBM= (1 - PBF) x current weight
Oh, and if you insist on using a target weight, remember that healthy target weights vary according to your age, height and size of frame. For instance I have a very large frame, even though I am a rather short 5 foot 2 inches. I know this from actual caliper measurements taken from my elbow by professionals with charts. A target weight for me, not taking account for my age, is 121 pounds, BUT if I had a small frame that would be reduced to 99 pounds. That is a big difference. I prefer to gauge my health status by lowering my percentage body fat, my waist measurement and blood pressure.
Phew, writing this was hard.... goin' out for a bike ride and then havin' a fruit smoothie!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Official Report on Blood Pressure
Every 6 months I am required to have a Class 1 medical to maintain my pilot's licence in Canada. Like all the Boomers I talk to where employment income depends on good health, we breathe a collective sigh of relief with every semi annual stamp of approval (literally a stamp on the licence).
"Clunk" goes the stamp, good for another half year - Phew!
The exciting thing was the blood pressure reading. Consistent work outs over only 6 weeks involving lots of cardio work such as swimming, bicycle rides (did a 36 km ride yesterday), Zumba classes, have had the desired effect. My blood pressure reading at my previous pilot medical was 148/85. This was a serious concern for me for a couple reasons. One, I have had very low blood pressure my entire life (until the past few years where it has started to climb steadily) and two, both my parents suffered from hypertension. I told my aviation doc I did NOT want to go on medication! Not that he was prescribing it, but he did mention maybe it was time to see my family doctor. Or, he said, I could consider exercise and treat it like a prescription, in other words do as directed! I took the second option.
New reading *** 140/80***! I am pumped about this (yes, pun intended). This is a significant drop and it proves that exercise plays a major part in reducing blood pressure. The doc explained to me that as we age our blood vessels harden and blood pressure rises over time and for my age (56) this new blood pressure reading was a normal reading and it would probably never go below 130/75 because of my age. My new goal is of course to see the blood pressure drop to at least that 130/75.
My weight is another issue. The weight has not changed in the last 6 months. But, my clothes are looser. I am not concerned, but I admit I am bitterly disappointed. I understand that muscle weighs a lot more that fat does. All the exercise has increased muscle mass, I can tell because I'm not as flabby. Muscle is the engine that burns fat. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way you need to increase muscle mass. You need to increase the muscle mass in your body first and then slowly the muscle will burn fat. So it makes sense that as this process is happening, you actually could weigh MORE, or like me, stay the same weight but your Body Mass Index, or BMI, is improving - the percentage of fat in your body is decreasing.
Like I said, I'm disappointed with my weight after all this work. I personally need more feedback. In the past I have been told to throw away the weigh scale because it doesn't give a true story. But, surely I should see some results soon. So I caved. I bought a scale, but am not going to live on it, I"ll check my weight once a week.
"Clunk" goes the stamp, good for another half year - Phew!
The exciting thing was the blood pressure reading. Consistent work outs over only 6 weeks involving lots of cardio work such as swimming, bicycle rides (did a 36 km ride yesterday), Zumba classes, have had the desired effect. My blood pressure reading at my previous pilot medical was 148/85. This was a serious concern for me for a couple reasons. One, I have had very low blood pressure my entire life (until the past few years where it has started to climb steadily) and two, both my parents suffered from hypertension. I told my aviation doc I did NOT want to go on medication! Not that he was prescribing it, but he did mention maybe it was time to see my family doctor. Or, he said, I could consider exercise and treat it like a prescription, in other words do as directed! I took the second option.
New reading *** 140/80***! I am pumped about this (yes, pun intended). This is a significant drop and it proves that exercise plays a major part in reducing blood pressure. The doc explained to me that as we age our blood vessels harden and blood pressure rises over time and for my age (56) this new blood pressure reading was a normal reading and it would probably never go below 130/75 because of my age. My new goal is of course to see the blood pressure drop to at least that 130/75.
My weight is another issue. The weight has not changed in the last 6 months. But, my clothes are looser. I am not concerned, but I admit I am bitterly disappointed. I understand that muscle weighs a lot more that fat does. All the exercise has increased muscle mass, I can tell because I'm not as flabby. Muscle is the engine that burns fat. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way you need to increase muscle mass. You need to increase the muscle mass in your body first and then slowly the muscle will burn fat. So it makes sense that as this process is happening, you actually could weigh MORE, or like me, stay the same weight but your Body Mass Index, or BMI, is improving - the percentage of fat in your body is decreasing.
Like I said, I'm disappointed with my weight after all this work. I personally need more feedback. In the past I have been told to throw away the weigh scale because it doesn't give a true story. But, surely I should see some results soon. So I caved. I bought a scale, but am not going to live on it, I"ll check my weight once a week.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
So, here's my theory
Waist measurement is down one inch!! I am starting to feel thinner and certainly feel much healthier. My daughter came over this week to go on a bike ride with me; she hadn't seen me for a few months and her first exclamation was, "Are you losing weight??" Finally, someone's noticed.
Two weeks ago I was over at a friend's place who has a blood pressure cuff. Around Christmas I had her take my BP; it was high. My last medical also showed that the BP was high normal. I was quite concerned because I have always had very low blood pressure and also a slow heart rate. The aviation doctor suggested that perhaps I should see my family doctor and maybe he would start me on some kind of medication. NO WAY!! I asked about alternatives and he suggested that exercise be completed daily, just like a prescription. His 'prescription' was one of the final catalysts for my decision to live in a smaller (healthier) body and thus, this blog. Thank you Dr. Willowby! A few weeks ago at my friend's place we did our BP readings. Hers was as normal for her, mine.... she tried 3 times. "I think you're dead!", she said. "Your BP is so low it practically doesn't register!". Maybe??? Just maybe, my health has taken a turn for the better.
The real test is in 7 days - the official 6 month medical. I'll have a weight, and a blood pressure reading to post.
So here's my off-the-wall theory... If you're into weight loss solutions you've more than likely read that shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is recommended. The perimeter of the store provides the healthiest food choices. Closer to the heart of the retail space you find more processed foods. It makes sense for efficiency in the store to stock fresh produce and items with frequent expiry dates around the perimeter so staff can easily access. Items on the perimeter usually require more time to prepare. Items on the internal shelves are often quick options and are usually heavily packaged. For example, canned carrots - open, heat, eat; outer ailse - remove greens, wash, chop, boil, eat. First option you end up with a can to dispose of, second option - compost. The first option usually contains high levels of salt or worse, sugar, the second, just nature's fare. Without going on too much, I am sure you catch my drift, in that getting back to preparing and eating foods that have the least amount of processing the better.
I'm taking this theory one step further. Suppose your goal is solely to reduce your personal carbon footprint, to be a caretaker of our planet. Here are some of the things you may change:
1. Grocery shop for items with little or NO packaging. Make it your mission as you choose that what doesn't go in your stomach will go into compost bin, or an accepted recycling program.
2. Walk, ride a bike instead of driving a car for shorter missions. Find shopping locations close to you that will allow you to do this. Or, if not possible... plan your little missions to all happen at once to save time and fuel... don't just fire up the car on a whim... plan plan.
3. Choose any option that uses human power. Here are some examples: take the stairs, walk over to see someone rather than text, turn OFF the tv.
4. Dig up some earth, plant a garden, weed, spend time and care for your fresh, flavourful, sunripened bounty!
My thinking is when you prioritize reducing your carbon footprint you will naturally reduce eating unhealthy foods that pack on the pounds, you will increase energy spent, and being closer to nature, you will reduce stress as well.
This ah ha moment came to me when our city changed its garbage/recycling program plus they started charging for taking away trash that isn't recyclable. The city is allowing us to recycle more items. Also, we have a local area where we can dump our garden and kitchen compost items. I noticed that I only put out garbage maybe once every two months, but I recycle more because of my purchasing choices.
Without going on forever, I found that when you concentrate on reducing your carbon footprint, you will eat healthier, reduce the glycemic index of the food you eat, reduce sugar and salt intake, increase exercise which will reduce risk of chronic desease.
Two weeks ago I was over at a friend's place who has a blood pressure cuff. Around Christmas I had her take my BP; it was high. My last medical also showed that the BP was high normal. I was quite concerned because I have always had very low blood pressure and also a slow heart rate. The aviation doctor suggested that perhaps I should see my family doctor and maybe he would start me on some kind of medication. NO WAY!! I asked about alternatives and he suggested that exercise be completed daily, just like a prescription. His 'prescription' was one of the final catalysts for my decision to live in a smaller (healthier) body and thus, this blog. Thank you Dr. Willowby! A few weeks ago at my friend's place we did our BP readings. Hers was as normal for her, mine.... she tried 3 times. "I think you're dead!", she said. "Your BP is so low it practically doesn't register!". Maybe??? Just maybe, my health has taken a turn for the better.
The real test is in 7 days - the official 6 month medical. I'll have a weight, and a blood pressure reading to post.
So here's my off-the-wall theory... If you're into weight loss solutions you've more than likely read that shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is recommended. The perimeter of the store provides the healthiest food choices. Closer to the heart of the retail space you find more processed foods. It makes sense for efficiency in the store to stock fresh produce and items with frequent expiry dates around the perimeter so staff can easily access. Items on the perimeter usually require more time to prepare. Items on the internal shelves are often quick options and are usually heavily packaged. For example, canned carrots - open, heat, eat; outer ailse - remove greens, wash, chop, boil, eat. First option you end up with a can to dispose of, second option - compost. The first option usually contains high levels of salt or worse, sugar, the second, just nature's fare. Without going on too much, I am sure you catch my drift, in that getting back to preparing and eating foods that have the least amount of processing the better.
I'm taking this theory one step further. Suppose your goal is solely to reduce your personal carbon footprint, to be a caretaker of our planet. Here are some of the things you may change:
1. Grocery shop for items with little or NO packaging. Make it your mission as you choose that what doesn't go in your stomach will go into compost bin, or an accepted recycling program.
2. Walk, ride a bike instead of driving a car for shorter missions. Find shopping locations close to you that will allow you to do this. Or, if not possible... plan your little missions to all happen at once to save time and fuel... don't just fire up the car on a whim... plan plan.
3. Choose any option that uses human power. Here are some examples: take the stairs, walk over to see someone rather than text, turn OFF the tv.
4. Dig up some earth, plant a garden, weed, spend time and care for your fresh, flavourful, sunripened bounty!
My thinking is when you prioritize reducing your carbon footprint you will naturally reduce eating unhealthy foods that pack on the pounds, you will increase energy spent, and being closer to nature, you will reduce stress as well.
This ah ha moment came to me when our city changed its garbage/recycling program plus they started charging for taking away trash that isn't recyclable. The city is allowing us to recycle more items. Also, we have a local area where we can dump our garden and kitchen compost items. I noticed that I only put out garbage maybe once every two months, but I recycle more because of my purchasing choices.
Without going on forever, I found that when you concentrate on reducing your carbon footprint, you will eat healthier, reduce the glycemic index of the food you eat, reduce sugar and salt intake, increase exercise which will reduce risk of chronic desease.
Monday, June 04, 2012
Recovery from a Tail Spin
My exhusband said to me recently "you know, most of what I've learned about life I've learned from flying". Being a pilot myself, I concur. I just never thought of it that way, like he does. I've wrestled with writing this post, mostly because I feel I've failed the whole mission. I was in a tailspin, I crashed and burned. Who wants to read about negativity? Everyone wants the magic bullet, to win, to overcome, to succeed. But this blog was for me, it was for accountability to me, how will I reach that goal of living in a smaller body unless I get real with myself. I committed to putting it out there. My cheering section - consisting of one son- called and wanted to know why I hadn't posted, how did I lose that weight, "you left your last post in suspense". I had plans to write an insightful piece on this super cool theory I have on weight loss that is really different and off the wall, but first I need to address recovery from a tailspin first.
Many years ago a full spin in an aircraft was called a tailspin. That is where the saying "being in a tailspin" came from. A spin is a STALLED condition. The airplane's wings are stalled and then the stall is aggravated by a sideways force called yaw. Read, you are stalled and then blind sided. How did the aircraft stall in the first place? The pilot lost sight of the horizon for one reason or another. Maybe he was in cloud and couldn't see the horizon, maybe he was distracted, maybe turbulence upset his craft. So, the wings stalled, yaw affected the stalled condition and the aircraft began to spin. The spin continues UNLESS the pilot does something radical. And that is positive control input. It is to apply FULL OPPOSITE rudder FIRST, and then break the stall by pushing forward on the control column.
I lost sight of my goal (the horizon), was affected by turbulence (stress, life events), stopped following my daily plans (managing the controls) and entered quite nicely into a tailspin. The only recovery method is to apply FULL OPPOSITE correction to stop the spin (get it?, do the opposite of what you are doing), bring life back to neutral (the controls) and focus on the plan (horizon) again. Unfortunately there IS altitude loss from this (in this case, weight gain). But, one can correct their attitude, apply power and get back up there again.
What happened re the weight? I went to the Y, still feeling thinner, and wanted to weigh myself. That big doctor's office-like scale was gone and replaced by a cheap scale you stand on. I got on, and yep, NO weight loss!! I went out to check at the front desk and was told the scale finally broke, it had been failing. That explains the mysterious weight loss. :( I stil feel tighter knowing my muscle mass has increased. I still need to talk about the blood pressure.... too much for one blog, so I'll get on that next entry.
When I say I lost sight of the goal, what happened is that I fell back into an old pattern of getting up, getting on the computer, wasting time, not writing down the 5 things I needed to do each day and getting them done. They say it takes 30 days to break a habit and 90 to make a new one. I guess I ran out of fuel. I've topped up again, this time full tanks, and I'm taking off again into clearer skies.
Many years ago a full spin in an aircraft was called a tailspin. That is where the saying "being in a tailspin" came from. A spin is a STALLED condition. The airplane's wings are stalled and then the stall is aggravated by a sideways force called yaw. Read, you are stalled and then blind sided. How did the aircraft stall in the first place? The pilot lost sight of the horizon for one reason or another. Maybe he was in cloud and couldn't see the horizon, maybe he was distracted, maybe turbulence upset his craft. So, the wings stalled, yaw affected the stalled condition and the aircraft began to spin. The spin continues UNLESS the pilot does something radical. And that is positive control input. It is to apply FULL OPPOSITE rudder FIRST, and then break the stall by pushing forward on the control column.
I lost sight of my goal (the horizon), was affected by turbulence (stress, life events), stopped following my daily plans (managing the controls) and entered quite nicely into a tailspin. The only recovery method is to apply FULL OPPOSITE correction to stop the spin (get it?, do the opposite of what you are doing), bring life back to neutral (the controls) and focus on the plan (horizon) again. Unfortunately there IS altitude loss from this (in this case, weight gain). But, one can correct their attitude, apply power and get back up there again.
What happened re the weight? I went to the Y, still feeling thinner, and wanted to weigh myself. That big doctor's office-like scale was gone and replaced by a cheap scale you stand on. I got on, and yep, NO weight loss!! I went out to check at the front desk and was told the scale finally broke, it had been failing. That explains the mysterious weight loss. :( I stil feel tighter knowing my muscle mass has increased. I still need to talk about the blood pressure.... too much for one blog, so I'll get on that next entry.
When I say I lost sight of the goal, what happened is that I fell back into an old pattern of getting up, getting on the computer, wasting time, not writing down the 5 things I needed to do each day and getting them done. They say it takes 30 days to break a habit and 90 to make a new one. I guess I ran out of fuel. I've topped up again, this time full tanks, and I'm taking off again into clearer skies.
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Uniform
I know it has been too long since I last posted. Honest, I tried a week or so ago; had this great post and somehow managed to lose it before publishing. That was the beginning of a big down cycle for me.
A very good friend of mine lost her Dad and the family needed help for funeral prep.. cooking, cleaning, chauffering, etc. I was very honoured to be a part of celebrating this awesome man's life. Emotionally, the experience sent me into a bit of a tailspin - remembering my own parents, remeniscing about fun times with my friend's family, thinking about my own immediate family. Anybody reading this may understand the emotional aspect of weight loss or, better said - weight gain. Many of us ingest calories to calm the demons inside of us. Needless to say, I had a bad week after the funeral.
When working on the prep for the funeral I felt great. I was wearing an outfit that I thought made me look, well, svelt... haha. But that confidence was motivation to keep on going. When I first put the outfit on I thought I was thinner. I took a chance and tried on the uniform that I had made for me in Singapore. Ahhh, THE uniform.
Captain Jerry told me during the flight to Singapore about the custom made suit he had made for him in Singapore. It was a typical Captain Jerry story... full of expletives, incredibly descriptive, and hilarious. Seems he had done what a lot of pilots do on lay overs in Singapore - get a custom tailor-made suit. This involves navigating your way around the shops, discerning who is legit and who is not, picking out fabric, getting EVERYTHING measured, paying your money and then.... dun dun dun... the 'fitting' in your hotel room. Well, Captain Jerry had ordered a pin striped suit. He did the measurements, fitting, payment and what he ended up with was, as he describes it, is a product of a communication failure. He got a suit with pin stripes running diagonally! He wore that suit proudly on an airline flight back home and needless to say got lots of attention!
Sooo, me and one of the medics on the flight went through the process of getting a tailor made suit. We had less than 24 hours in Singapore. The measurements were done and fabric was chosen in the city and the first fitting happened back at the hotel. I was exhausted from the flying and the time change and when the uniform went on, it looked terrible in just about every way. But the worst was how the pants accentuated my midsection. We worked to find a solution. Because the time was short the finished product had to be shipped to me in Canada. When I received the suit back home in Canada I tried it on and was so disappointed to see that it was not flattering at all, it called attention to my menopausal midsection. So, it hung in my closet until.... ta dah, last week....
I tried on the suit.
It fit better. It looked pretty good. I took out a tape measure and measured my waist and hurrah, I lost about a half inch.
My regular uniform is starting to hang, and I am using the next notch in my belt. Next post I'll talk more about what I am doing to make that happen.
A very good friend of mine lost her Dad and the family needed help for funeral prep.. cooking, cleaning, chauffering, etc. I was very honoured to be a part of celebrating this awesome man's life. Emotionally, the experience sent me into a bit of a tailspin - remembering my own parents, remeniscing about fun times with my friend's family, thinking about my own immediate family. Anybody reading this may understand the emotional aspect of weight loss or, better said - weight gain. Many of us ingest calories to calm the demons inside of us. Needless to say, I had a bad week after the funeral.
When working on the prep for the funeral I felt great. I was wearing an outfit that I thought made me look, well, svelt... haha. But that confidence was motivation to keep on going. When I first put the outfit on I thought I was thinner. I took a chance and tried on the uniform that I had made for me in Singapore. Ahhh, THE uniform.
Captain Jerry told me during the flight to Singapore about the custom made suit he had made for him in Singapore. It was a typical Captain Jerry story... full of expletives, incredibly descriptive, and hilarious. Seems he had done what a lot of pilots do on lay overs in Singapore - get a custom tailor-made suit. This involves navigating your way around the shops, discerning who is legit and who is not, picking out fabric, getting EVERYTHING measured, paying your money and then.... dun dun dun... the 'fitting' in your hotel room. Well, Captain Jerry had ordered a pin striped suit. He did the measurements, fitting, payment and what he ended up with was, as he describes it, is a product of a communication failure. He got a suit with pin stripes running diagonally! He wore that suit proudly on an airline flight back home and needless to say got lots of attention!
Sooo, me and one of the medics on the flight went through the process of getting a tailor made suit. We had less than 24 hours in Singapore. The measurements were done and fabric was chosen in the city and the first fitting happened back at the hotel. I was exhausted from the flying and the time change and when the uniform went on, it looked terrible in just about every way. But the worst was how the pants accentuated my midsection. We worked to find a solution. Because the time was short the finished product had to be shipped to me in Canada. When I received the suit back home in Canada I tried it on and was so disappointed to see that it was not flattering at all, it called attention to my menopausal midsection. So, it hung in my closet until.... ta dah, last week....
I tried on the suit.
It fit better. It looked pretty good. I took out a tape measure and measured my waist and hurrah, I lost about a half inch.
My regular uniform is starting to hang, and I am using the next notch in my belt. Next post I'll talk more about what I am doing to make that happen.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Weight Loss mystery
When I started my blog I intended it to be a way to keep me accountable to myself with regard to my goal of 'living in a smaller body'. I've taught and mentored people on goal achievement and know that a goal needs to be specific, results need to be measureable. HOW to get to the goal must be outlined in clearly written steps, reviewed constantly, and of course acted upon. I learned some very over-the-top strategies a few weeks ago; I'll boil them down, they have changed my world!
Do NOT get sucked into other people's agendas by opening your email first thing in the morning! Turn off IM, text functions on your phone until the following are completed:
Exercise, nourish yourself, and spiritually enlighten your mind FIRST.
WRITE down 5 must-do items for the day that move you towards your goal and check them off as you accomplish them. Consider getting them done or starting on them before opening the inbox.
Then, and only then do you open your inbox and even then, you limit your time. Respond, make necessary contacts and then close the inbox, along with the instant email update function, until the next and last time you check it, later on in the day... at a time that YOU choose. Wow, this was hard, but it really made it easier for me to focus on my goal.
So, yesterday at the gym I weighed in. I was wearing the same thing I had on before. I have dropped 9 pounds! I just stood there staring at the big weigh scale - it's one of those that you would find in a doctors office with weights that slide back and forth. I can't imagine that it could have such a big error. I'm still mystified since my clothes don't feel much looser and they should be with a big loss like that. When I shared the mysterious weight loss with my son he asked if I had cut my hair, ha ha. I've heard its not a good idea to weigh yourself everyday and for me this is proof positive, this big change since my baseline measurement two weeks ago is sooo motivating. I am walking with a lighter step, feeling healthier, sleeping better and needing less of it. I look forward to the REAL results when I go for my aviation medical in a month - what will my blood pressure reading be? my resting heart rate? my weight on his scale?
I don't have a set exercise routine set up yet but am mixing it all up - Zumba, swim, cycle, yoga/pilates on the ball - just making sure I am moving!
Do NOT get sucked into other people's agendas by opening your email first thing in the morning! Turn off IM, text functions on your phone until the following are completed:
Exercise, nourish yourself, and spiritually enlighten your mind FIRST.
WRITE down 5 must-do items for the day that move you towards your goal and check them off as you accomplish them. Consider getting them done or starting on them before opening the inbox.
Then, and only then do you open your inbox and even then, you limit your time. Respond, make necessary contacts and then close the inbox, along with the instant email update function, until the next and last time you check it, later on in the day... at a time that YOU choose. Wow, this was hard, but it really made it easier for me to focus on my goal.
So, yesterday at the gym I weighed in. I was wearing the same thing I had on before. I have dropped 9 pounds! I just stood there staring at the big weigh scale - it's one of those that you would find in a doctors office with weights that slide back and forth. I can't imagine that it could have such a big error. I'm still mystified since my clothes don't feel much looser and they should be with a big loss like that. When I shared the mysterious weight loss with my son he asked if I had cut my hair, ha ha. I've heard its not a good idea to weigh yourself everyday and for me this is proof positive, this big change since my baseline measurement two weeks ago is sooo motivating. I am walking with a lighter step, feeling healthier, sleeping better and needing less of it. I look forward to the REAL results when I go for my aviation medical in a month - what will my blood pressure reading be? my resting heart rate? my weight on his scale?
I don't have a set exercise routine set up yet but am mixing it all up - Zumba, swim, cycle, yoga/pilates on the ball - just making sure I am moving!
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
May 1, Zumba!

So, yesterday I put the bike back on the road and set up a new little workout center in its place. There are some DVD's for me to follow - stability ball workouts, free weight routines, dance. It's perfect for the quick, in between gym days.
So, speaking of "gym" I officially joined the YMCA today! Whoohoo!! The big drawing card, other than the pool was the ZUMBA class! Wow, does it rock!! I have always loved loved loved to dance! And, I have always wanted to take ballroom dance lessons, the "so you think you can dance" kind. Zumba is this latin dance hard core work out routine. EVERYTHING hurts tonight. I am not so sure this is getting me back in shape... I do this class and then spend the rest of the day iciing my feet and hanging out on the couch doing work on the computer.
My clothes don't feel any looser yet, but the day after tomorrow I have to put on my uniform, I am secretly hoping it hangs off me. I am such a dreamer, eh?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
April 29, 2012
I am still feeling overwhelmed with traversing the technological learning curve. This seems to be a recurring theme in my life. Even though I've been 'on the cutting edge' for so very long, and lucky to have been raised in a techy, innovative family, previously married to a guy always a step ahead in the zeros and ones, mother to a gifted programmer, yet, I still get somewhat lost in all the information. My uncle made THE first international transmission by facsimile. My Dad and his 2 brothers each purchased one of IBM's first personal computers back in 1982 (about $6000). I had a 5 digit icq number, was on Skype before practically anyone heard of it, and was literally at a table where a young Asian lad had been hired by a company called Research in Motion to see if he could crack into this little black device that could (I could NOT believe my eyes) email someone RIGHT from that table. And, yeah, I did say on the way home from that dinner that I should buy shares in the company and I didn't.... they were less than a dollar. I'm the butt end of jokes in the family about my statement when having difficulty navigating the Swiss Chalet order website "I'm in an endless loop!!".
So, the blog/domain/hosting/sql/php/ftp thing is still tough for me. Are ya with me on this? Can I get a witness???
If you're still here with me, I'll talk more about my path to living in a smaller body.
Today I did a little baseline stuff. I'm 5'2", today I weighed in at 142 pounds at the YMCA. My waist (a great indication of true health) 34 flippin inches! When I was married my waist was 23 inches.... it was a genetic blessing from my mother. I weighed 108 pounds at that time. Yes, there have been 3 children since then but, my goodness 11 inches?!!! I have no notion of ever going there again, but it was a shock to have the visual with the tape measure. Today I don't have a BMI (body mass index number), nor did I get a blood pressure reading. Growing up my blood pressure has always been very low along with the heart rate. The docs used to tell me it was a result of all the swimming I used to do. And each 6 months when I have my pilot's medical I have watched that bp rise slowly but steadily. Yes, its really time to take action!
I love swimming and remembering docs comments in the past about my low blood pressure I natually gravitated towards swimming. Plus its easy on the joints. I went for the third time today and swam 20 lengths (the pool is 75 meters). The first time 20, then 22 and today 20. I inquired about the Bronze Medallion on a lark and found out that a person needs to do 20 lengths in something like 12 minutes. Hah! I have always wanted to get my Bronze; just getting started in the pool and I am already doing 20 lengths! A shoe in, right?
I timed my 20 lengths today. 17 minutes. And I was pushing it. Sigh.
I am still feeling overwhelmed with traversing the technological learning curve. This seems to be a recurring theme in my life. Even though I've been 'on the cutting edge' for so very long, and lucky to have been raised in a techy, innovative family, previously married to a guy always a step ahead in the zeros and ones, mother to a gifted programmer, yet, I still get somewhat lost in all the information. My uncle made THE first international transmission by facsimile. My Dad and his 2 brothers each purchased one of IBM's first personal computers back in 1982 (about $6000). I had a 5 digit icq number, was on Skype before practically anyone heard of it, and was literally at a table where a young Asian lad had been hired by a company called Research in Motion to see if he could crack into this little black device that could (I could NOT believe my eyes) email someone RIGHT from that table. And, yeah, I did say on the way home from that dinner that I should buy shares in the company and I didn't.... they were less than a dollar. I'm the butt end of jokes in the family about my statement when having difficulty navigating the Swiss Chalet order website "I'm in an endless loop!!".
So, the blog/domain/hosting/sql/php/ftp thing is still tough for me. Are ya with me on this? Can I get a witness???
If you're still here with me, I'll talk more about my path to living in a smaller body.
Today I did a little baseline stuff. I'm 5'2", today I weighed in at 142 pounds at the YMCA. My waist (a great indication of true health) 34 flippin inches! When I was married my waist was 23 inches.... it was a genetic blessing from my mother. I weighed 108 pounds at that time. Yes, there have been 3 children since then but, my goodness 11 inches?!!! I have no notion of ever going there again, but it was a shock to have the visual with the tape measure. Today I don't have a BMI (body mass index number), nor did I get a blood pressure reading. Growing up my blood pressure has always been very low along with the heart rate. The docs used to tell me it was a result of all the swimming I used to do. And each 6 months when I have my pilot's medical I have watched that bp rise slowly but steadily. Yes, its really time to take action!
I love swimming and remembering docs comments in the past about my low blood pressure I natually gravitated towards swimming. Plus its easy on the joints. I went for the third time today and swam 20 lengths (the pool is 75 meters). The first time 20, then 22 and today 20. I inquired about the Bronze Medallion on a lark and found out that a person needs to do 20 lengths in something like 12 minutes. Hah! I have always wanted to get my Bronze; just getting started in the pool and I am already doing 20 lengths! A shoe in, right?
I timed my 20 lengths today. 17 minutes. And I was pushing it. Sigh.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
What to blog about
April 28, 2012.
On January 1st, 2012, just like every New Years Day I sat and wrote out my goals for the year. I started this process a number of years ago and found it really works. I categorize the goals into personal, financial, spiritual; I make them specific, clear, and measureable. Then I WRITE them down and also write some steps I need to take to achieve them. I called 2012 "The Year for Change".
Being just a little shy at the moment with letting it all hang out, for the world to see and read about me and my thoughts let's just say that one thing I felt I needed to do and wanted to do this year was to start a blog.
How do you start? What does one write about? My cousin Eric said - Nancy,just start writing! My son suggested today after chatting that I write about (again a goal for this year) my journey back to living inside a fitter, smaller body. Betsy, his wife, pipes up "No, write about your flying, for gosh sakes, it's more interesting!". I have been talking, reading, researching about blogging for almost 5 months now. Time to decide. So, I will write about the slim down on this blog because putting it out there will keep me honest about the work outs and eating, maybe it will even help somebody out there wishing to do the same. I will write about the flying experiences in another blog (right now, a secret name) later. Typical me... biting off more than I can chew (haha, that's probably why I'm a little porky) TWO blogs.. geesh! Ok Eric, I'll just start writing!
On January 1st, 2012, just like every New Years Day I sat and wrote out my goals for the year. I started this process a number of years ago and found it really works. I categorize the goals into personal, financial, spiritual; I make them specific, clear, and measureable. Then I WRITE them down and also write some steps I need to take to achieve them. I called 2012 "The Year for Change".
Being just a little shy at the moment with letting it all hang out, for the world to see and read about me and my thoughts let's just say that one thing I felt I needed to do and wanted to do this year was to start a blog.
How do you start? What does one write about? My cousin Eric said - Nancy,just start writing! My son suggested today after chatting that I write about (again a goal for this year) my journey back to living inside a fitter, smaller body. Betsy, his wife, pipes up "No, write about your flying, for gosh sakes, it's more interesting!". I have been talking, reading, researching about blogging for almost 5 months now. Time to decide. So, I will write about the slim down on this blog because putting it out there will keep me honest about the work outs and eating, maybe it will even help somebody out there wishing to do the same. I will write about the flying experiences in another blog (right now, a secret name) later. Typical me... biting off more than I can chew (haha, that's probably why I'm a little porky) TWO blogs.. geesh! Ok Eric, I'll just start writing!
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