So, yesterday I put the bike back on the road and set up a new little workout center in its place. There are some DVD's for me to follow - stability ball workouts, free weight routines, dance. It's perfect for the quick, in between gym days.
So, speaking of "gym" I officially joined the YMCA today! Whoohoo!! The big drawing card, other than the pool was the ZUMBA class! Wow, does it rock!! I have always loved loved loved to dance! And, I have always wanted to take ballroom dance lessons, the "so you think you can dance" kind. Zumba is this latin dance hard core work out routine. EVERYTHING hurts tonight. I am not so sure this is getting me back in shape... I do this class and then spend the rest of the day iciing my feet and hanging out on the couch doing work on the computer.
My clothes don't feel any looser yet, but the day after tomorrow I have to put on my uniform, I am secretly hoping it hangs off me. I am such a dreamer, eh?
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